Thursday, December 3, 2009

Power of Tweeting

The power of Tweeting:

A few months ago, Disney sensation Miley Cyrus deleted her Twitter account. It was reported that she did so after being asked by her then-boyfriend Liam Hemsworth. Fans of Miley Cyrus were upset and petitioned for her to get back on Twitter-land.

One fan took it the extreme way.

Known only as @mileysavefuzzy, he (or maybe a she) threatened to kill and cook his beloved cat if Miley did not return to Twitter after a specific deadline. Within a few weeks, hundreds and thousands of people learned about him and joined as his friend. PETA and relevant authorities even got wind of this and contacted @mileysavefuzzy, hoping to help save Fuzzy's life.

The rule of his game is: As long as Miley reactivates and start tweeting, Fuzzy the cat's life will be extended by 1 week, until he sees that Miley is pretty much active in Twitter again. He seemed to have all the time in the world refreshing Miley's twitter page and seeing if she's back on Twitter.

As a follower of Miley Cyrus on Twitter, I can see why it became addictive until it's almost like a ritual every single day to see her updates; Miley Cyrus updates about almost every single thing regularly.

As of now, Fuzzy the cat is supposedly dead as it's pass the deadline and Miley's not back on Twitter!

Here's the website containing @mileysavefuzzy's plea to Miley, and also Fuzzy's demise:

And here's Miley's rap to her fans around the world as to why she decided to quit tweeting:

---- Sharon Lim
T04 0805656F


  1. Hey Sharon:)

    Wow, I did not know that people would resort to such things when Miley left twitter. It seemed pretty sad that people cannot seem to respect Miley's decision of leaving twitter.Celebrities are people like us. They do need privacy whenever they want to. Really interesting post by the way!

  2. Hi Sharon! Thanks for this interesting post, I didn't realise that there is such an enthuasitic person in Twitter. @mileysavefuzzy sure is a crazy fan of Miley!
    Guess Miley makes the right move not to go back to Twitter.


  3. It's utterly disgusting how someone can compare a cat's life with Miley Cyrus continuing to tweet. Perhaps there are things wrong with the person in the first place - he's a Miley Cyrus fan after all, he can't be that sane.

  4. Hey Sharon! Interesting read! However, I think mileysavefuzzy is one extreme instance of a die-hard Miley fan, but that he/she doesn't accurately demonstrate the influence of Twitter. I don't think Twitter readers in general would react like mileysavefuzzy did, if their favourite Twitter account was closed down.

  5. OMG!! He or she is so cruel and inhumane just because Miley didn't go back to Twitter. That's so bad of him/her.
